Rethink Your Micromanagement Strategy for a More Effective Team

Finding a balance between actively managing your team and letting them work independently is crucial to any successful business. It’s completely understandable to want to keep on top of projects. After all, delivering a quality end product is a key part of every manager’s job.

However, micromanaging your team can also have a series of negative consequences. When in doubt, it’s important to remember the following two things: how to let go and when to divide and conquer.

Letting Go

Sometimes it’s absolutely crucial to put your trust in the hands of your employees. While it may seem scary at first to give up control, there’s simply no other way to run an organization than to occasionally take a step back.

Diving and Conquering

Creating an effective delegation strategy will reduce the need for micromanagement. Regular weekly meetings are an ideal place to discuss and delegate tasks. Divide up new projects based on your team’s strengths and then set everyone loose. The most important component of the divide and conquer strategy is, of course, allowing your employees to “conquer” their tasks with minimal direction.

These two steps alone can make a significant difference in your workplace atmosphere. Giving employees the power to produce quality work on their own— without feeling as though they are being constantly micromanaged—will increase productivity and boost office morale.

Additionally, managers should determine specific techniques for how to scale back on micromanaging in the following areas:

Creative Departments

Nothing stifles creativity like heavy-handed management. If you’ve hired team members especially for their creative abilities, ensure that they never feel as though their ideas are being limited or judged prematurely. Give them space and you’ll end up enabling the creative process. When it’s time to step in and make final decisions, you’ll be glad that you did.


Administrators work hard to support all members of an organization. When you micromanage an administrator, you’re essentially preventing them from providing the crucial support that they’ve been trained for. If a problem arises, that’s your moment to intervene. Otherwise it’s much more effective to place your confidence in your administrative staff and let them strengthen the overall team.


Both outsourced and in-house contractors generally dislike a constantly present manager. If you’ve brought in a temporary expert to help you accomplish a particular project, let them share their expertise. Excessive micromanaging will do nothing but get in their way.

If you’re looking for more ways to build an effective team, Employment Professionals Canada can help. Contact us for all of your HR strategic consulting and executive service needs.