As you narrow down your candidate field, there are signs you should watch for before signing a person onto your team. Keep your eyes – and mind – open for these red flags in order to avoid a costly hiring mistake:
Arriving Late for an Interview.
This should be obvious, but unless a candidate has a valid excuse for being late, think twice before keeping them in the mix. If they can’t manage to be on time for a job interview, what makes you think you can depend on them as an employee?
Dressing Inappropriately
Proper dress is a sign of good judgment, professionalism, and awareness about your company and the role they would play if hired.
- This is a variable depending on the specific position. For instance, attire when interviewing for a housekeeping or janitorial position is much less formal than for a management position. However, dressing up a bit is a sign of a person’s interest in and respect for the job.
Refusal to Admit Failure
If you ask a candidate “What was your worst failure in your job?” and they gloss over their answer, this means they are either lying or not willing to take a calculated risk.
- Nobody is perfect. Every individual should be able to describe a mistake they have made – and the lesson learned as a result.
Speaking Negatively of Past Employers
Even if their story is valid, bad-mouthing a previous or current employer shows bad form and a clear lack of professionalism. It indicates a person is not taking responsibility for their own actions, or at least sharing what they learned from a negative experience.
- You don’t want to hire someone who places blame on others for everything. All candidate responses should be positive and job related. Remember, they may treat you the same way at some point in the future.
Asking About Money Too Soon
Granted, we all work for pay, but good judgment dictates this should not be one of the first questions raised by a job candidate. It shows:
- Lack of concern for your needs and priorities
- Short-term, self-centered thinking
- Poor form
- Lack of professionalism
The talent management experts at Employment Professionals Canada can help you develop the best strategies and methods as you perfect your hiring process. Read our related posts or contact us today to learn more about our staffing services in the Niagara Region.