Shining a Light On: Pamela Morin, General Manager
Pamela Morin and Employment Professionals Canada both know a good thing when they’ve found it. EPC hired Pamela right out of college, and she’s been
Social Media, E-Mails, Twitter… How To Keep Up Without Getting Overwhelmed
It’s been drummed into your head by now: if you want to keep up in the business world, you have to participate in social media.
How Do You Measure the Success of Your Business?
In the business world, what does success mean? Does success mean making a profit? It’s probably the first thing most people would say: if the
Are You a Boss or a Leader?
Yes, if you are a manager or supervisor, you are the boss. You have the authority to ask others to accomplish certain tasks and objectives
Civil Servants Share $6B ‘Severance’ Without Losing Jobs
At first glance, it seems like a good idea. The federal government wants to scrap its severance program for public servants, claiming it will save
Ontario Extends Protection for Discrimination Against Gender Identity and Gender Expression
At Employment Professionals Canada, we consider it mandatory to keep up on the law as it pertains to unemployment. We would like to share with